
230.6 – St. Patrick’s Day

Ok…same weight as yesterday, but considering what I ate yesterday, that’s phenomenal. We had some friends over for a Day-Early St Patrick’s Day dinner. I had three skewers of grilled shrimp, corn on the cob, and one Coke (yes I gave in). That in itself wasn’t too bad, but  Rachel’s sister Lindsay made something called a chicken-ball, which is made from cream cheese, chicken, and spicy ranch. You dip triscuits into it. It’s kind of like an appetizer. Anyway, I wasn’t paying attention to how much of that that I ate, so I figured I went way overboard. I really thought I would be around 233 this morning. As it would seem, I did only enough damage to stall the weight loss, but not gain weight thank goodness.

So here I am, once again back at YouFit, ready to put in some hard cardio and “reel it back in” as Rick suggests. One step ahead of you buddy. 😉


Wow! Down another couple pounds. Even after dinner last night I was still getting kind of hungry, so instead of giving in to my hunger, I went to the gym.

I got there just after 9pm. There were quite a few people there; a lot more than when I go on the weekends. But by 9:30 that place was like a ghost town – maybe just four of us left. 

Before getting on the elliptical, my Pandora app wouldn’t work. Guess the signal was too weak in the back of the gym. “Just great,” I thought. Music pumps me up. Pushes me harder. Fortunately I had the Paul’s Boutique album by the Beastie Boys on my phone and that definitely did the trick. I killed it. Was dripping sweat. Great cardio workout.

I was hoping to hit Saturday’s target weight this morning but as you can see I surpassed it. Very happy about that.  Hoping I can keep up this momentum. Gonna be a long summer. Bring it on!

March Madness

It’s March! Finally…! What a great month. Daylight Saving Time starts on the 10th. Spring officially hits on the 20th. My youngest daughter, Drew turns 3 on the 25th. Those bright green leaf buds are starting to sprout on all the trees.

plus we get to watch the NCAA basketball tournament. Aw man… What a great time…

That being said, today is the official first day of my Gator Reset. After a couple of poor meal choices the past few days, my weight has settled in back at 238.4  … If I want to be in my range of 170-175 by August 30th, I’ve got a lot of hard work and smarter choices ahead of me. That all starts now!


So here I am at YouFit bright and early to kick this off the right way. 50 mins on the elliptical. After breakfast, I’ll be spending the next several hours raking and bagging leaves in my yard. Later today, it’ll be my Insanity workout. If I can combine all that with healthy nutrition choices, I’ll be off to a great start.

I have exactly 26 Weeks until my deadline. I’ll be shooting for 173 lbs just so I don’t cut it too close and miss my target range. That’s 65 effin pounds that I need to lose in just 6 months. I must average 2.5 lbs of weight loss every week to reach my goal. Very doable with those “smart choices” I was talking about. Keep in mind I haven’t weighed under 200#s since 1999. And not sure when I was last in the 170s…? Maybe 1995-96…? It’s a big mountain for me to climb, but i’m focused and determined.

Plus I don’t want to wear that p.o.s. Shirt in Gainesville. Arrrgh!! Perish the thought.