yard work

Old Shorts


Ok. So I tried on an old pair of shorts today (forget that their hideous and camouflage – I’m going out to mow my yard; cut me some slack) and they buttoned up with no problem!

This is significant for me because when I was heavier these shorts used to fit me the tightest. I literally had to take in a huge breath and suck in my gut to even attempt to button them. In fact, I stopped wearing them altogether the past 2 years because they were simply too small and I was tired of being in denial.

Anyway, I’m off to mow the yard for the first of what I’m sure will be many times this year. Just thought I’d share.

*Yes, for those of you paying attention, that IS the godawful FSU shirt that I’ll have to wear if I lose my FitBet with Rick hanging on the wall behind me. Rachel put it there for me to see everyday as a reminder to stay focused. Eyes on the prize!


I strayed from the formula and it bit me. Up a pound and a half. I ended up doing 4 hours of yard work yesterday, but no night time cardio. The key to my success has been that cardio workout before I go to bed, but after 4 hours of raking and bagging leaves, I was tired and my lower back was killing me.

I was exhausted and hungry. We had Jimmy John’s for dinner which put me over my daily calorie max for the day. On top of that I had subway for lunch. I definitely seem to do much better when I make my own food. I eat healthier and I know exactly how many calories I’m ingesting.

Tonight may be a challenge. Rach and I are supposed to have dinner with a friend at Hooter’s, the healthiest of all places. jeez…Maybe I can talk them into eating somewhere else where I have a better chance to eat something healthy. I really hope we don’t stay there too long as I am determined to hit the gym tonight no matter what. No excuses! It could quite possibly be a very late night for me.
I need to be under 225.6 pounds this Saturday to remain on target for my weight loss goal of reaching 170-175 pounds by August 30th. I’m below 225.6 now, but definitely not content with it. I want to be under 220 when I had head to Gainesville on Friday.