
214.6 – Official Weigh-In


Boom! Looks like the double cardio yesterday and calorie restriction worked well for me once again. Exactly 3 lbs below the 217.6 I needed to be in order to remain on target to hit my FitBet goal weight of 170-175 by the deadline of August 30th. I’m now officially down 24 lbs since I began on March 11th.

Still about 41 lbs to go though, so there’s a lot if work yet to be done. But hey, saying I need to lose 40 lbs sounds a lot better than saying I have to lose a daunting 65 lbs like I did not too long ago. 🙂

The Moment of Truth… 221.2


Ok. So I finally got to “officially” weigh in this morning for the first time in a week, after being allowed to move back into our house yesterday afternoon.

221.2. Fortunately for me it wasn’t worse. If you read my last post, “The Great Unknown”  http://wp.me/p2U3tb-8y, you know that I’ve been living in a hotel for nearly a week, eating out often, and exercising sporadically at best. I’m definitely well behind where I should be at this point so I have some serious ground to make up if I’m going to win the FitBet on August 30th.     http://wp.me/s2U3tb-fitbet

Now that I’m home, I will be able to grocery shop again. To prepare my own meals again. To track my calories again. Yes, we still have a lot of work left to do to get our house back to normal, but just by being here and getting back to normal routines will help me tremendously.

If I watch the diet and sprinkle in some daily exercise, I’m confident that I’ll be able to scratch off another Strong Gator goal by getting my weight below 220 this week! Considering I’ve been stuck in the low 220’s for almost 2 Weeks now, a 219 will be a welcome sight and quite motivating as well.


I’m officially back up a pound and a half from Friday morning after my mini 3 day vacation in Gainesville. I honestly thought that I would be up 2 or maybe even 3lbs, so I’ll take it in stride.

To remain on target to hit my goal weight of 170-175 on August 30th, I need to be at 222.8 or less this Saturday. I like to be well ahead of where I need to be so I’ll work extra diligently to put some distance between my actual weight and my weekly target weight by then.

Also hoping to cross off another Strong Gator challenge this week sometime by getting my weight below 220. Its going to be awesome being in the 2-teens again. Can’t wait!


Time to get back to work.

I’m fortunate that my weight gain wasn’t greater. Only a pound. But I definitely don’t want to go in the opposite direction with my weight, so it’s time to get back to the formula that’s been working for me. Calorie restriction and exercise. Move more, eat less. It really does work!

Using Friday’s official weigh-in weight of 228.6, my daily calories for this week will be 1829 (weight x 8). time to put that in my MyFitnessPal app and start tracking again.

The kids have been over in Pensacola with the inlaws since last Monday for their Spring Break and I’m supposed to meet them “half way” in Defuniak Springs after I get off work this afternoon. That’s about 120 miles away, so it’ll be a 240 round trip… Which means we’ll likely get home around 8pm. Looks like it’s going to be another late night at the gym. My favorite.