
227.8 – MRI Today

About the same weight as yesterday. Admittedly we were out running errands and decided to eat Jimmie John’s for dinner. Thinking the sodium in that meal caused me to retain a little water and hence the .2 lb weight gain. Or it could just be my scale which tends to fluctuate its readings a little here and there.  Nonetheless, the onus is strictly on diet today.

I’m having an MRI on my right knee today. I hurt it playing basketball down in Gainesville 9 days ago. Landed awkwardly, kind of buckled. It feels tight and though it’s not really hurting continuously, when I walk it often locks up which shoots pain down the front of my leg from my knee to my foot. It also hurts to kneel down on that knee, so I’m really worried that surgery is going to be my only option. Guess I’ll find out in a couple of days when the doctor has a chance to review my MRI.

It has been depressing not being able to run or use the elliptical at YouFit. The weather has cooled things down outside and now it is so nice outdoors – it’s the perfect time to do some running before the harsh, colder winter air moves in and I won’t want to even step outside, much less go running.

Edit: MRI completed. Now I play the waiting game until I hear the news from the doctor

222.8 – Diet Hawk


222.8 this morning.

I apologize to everyone for all the recent blog posts about the crap that I ate. I know that it doesn’t get much more boring than that. But per the rules of FitBet II, I must blog every time I eat something that’s “bad for you” and thus hindering my weight loss. The purpose of this was to show my followers why I’m not losing weight by disclosing all the bad food that I ate. It was meant as a deterrent and I realize that is subjective and I’m losing followers because of these posts, so I can do one of two things. Eat forever “clean” and not have post any more What-Did-I-Eat posts, or I can alter this, if Rick agrees.

What worked for me early on in my Fit Gator Transformation Journey was restricting calories and exercising daily. I lost weight steadily to the tune of 33 pounds in just over two months of hard work. If Rick agrees, I would like to go back to doing this… Each Saturday morning, when I wake up I will “officially” Weigh-In (per my Gator Tracker http://wp.me/P2U3tb-d). Whatever my weight is that morning, I will multiply it times eight (Weight x 8). That number will represent my daily caloric max for the next 7 days. I am not to exceed this number. I will put this number into My Fitness Pal App and track every piece of food and/or drink that goes into my mouth. It’s a bit monotonous but it worked and kept me honest when I did it before. I will be treating it like a bank. You start the day off with a certain amount of calories – Each time I eat or drink anything, I’ll track it which automatically deducts those calories from my daily Calorie Bank. When I run out of calories for the day, I’m done! You can’t get more money out of your bank account once you’ve spent it all, right? So I will treat this like a bank.

I have put a link up under the navigator tab over on the right hand column that says “Diet Hawk” http://wp.me/P2U3tb-jt

If anyone is curious as to what I’m eating, they need only look here. It will take you directly to my food diary, showing you everything that I’m eating. This includes Rick who is quick to tell me when I haven’t posted my food blog (which keeps me accountable). Plus this won’t junk up my Fit Gator blog with a bunch of food posts that no one wants to see in their feed.

I will still post my weigh-ins every M, W, and Saturday, with Saturday being my “Official” weigh in for weekly my target weights listed in my Gator Tracker http://wp.me/P2U3tb-d

222.4 Monday Weigh-In

cropped-gatoreyesbig.jpgDown about a pound from Saturday’s weigh in. Didn’t have much of a chance to do exercise this weekend as my wife was out of town and I had the kids to myself. So no gym, no running… Tried to eat a little healthier. Yesterday morning made the kids some pancakes for breakfast, but I opted for an egg white omelet and oatmeal…

We took my buddy Ricky and his son out to a place called the Jr. Museum which is kind of like a zoo, I guess. They have bears, tigers, bobcats, wolves, panthers, etc… out there. We let the kids play for a little bit on the playground. It was Ricky’s birthday so we also took him out to lunch. Unfortunately he wanted Barnaby’s pizza, so I didn’t eat well at lunch time. Although I limited myself to just a few slices of pizza (I was still hungry when we left), I also drank water while everyone else had sweet tea.  For dinner, the kids and I made sandwiches. I had a turkey on wheat and the kids had grilled cheese. Then we picked up Rach from the airport around 8:30.

Today’s been good. Healthy breakfast (Special K Almond with Almond Milk), snack was an apple and cheese stick, lunch was a grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice. I did have a sugar free pudding and a diet Coke with Lime with lunch. Working on dinner now, likely tilapia tonight with sweet potatoes and probably more brown rice.

Hoping to get out and run tonight since Rach is back in town.


Taking a minute out of watching this atrocious Florida vs. Miami game to blog my weigh-in weight this morning. About a pound over where I thought I’d be. Guess Rick was right about the sodium content in my food choices.

Yesterday I ate pretty well. Rachel is out of town this weekend, so it’s just me and the kids. Didn’t eat out at all yesterday. Dinner was pot roast, instant mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables. Lunch for me was a tuna sandwich, although I did have some chips and a coke with it. Cereal for breakfast. Fruit and protein bars for snacks.

2nd half of Gator game about to start…gotta go…

Go Gators!



Edit: My beloved Gators lost. Looks to be a bad year for the Fightin’ Gators


Per the rules of FitBet II, I have to post my weight each M, W, And Saturday. So here is today’s weigh in. 221.6. About the same as yesterday.

I ate clean all day except that I did have one Coke with my lunch yesterday. So nothing else to report.

Officially started Focus T25 yesterday. It’s a home boot camp style workout similar to Insanity or P90X. The beautiful thing about this workout is that it only takes 25 minutes. However, there are no “official”breaks so it is tiring and you do sweat a lot. But it’s fun so far. 5 days a week, for a total of 10 weeks.

211.4 – WTH?!

Ok… so I’m a little confused by my weigh-in this a.m. Although I did go over my daily alloted calories by about 600 yesterday, the 2300 overall cals that I did have were still less than what I actually burned throughout the day, therefore I should not have had this kind of weight gain.

But after thinking about it for a little while, trying to make sense of this, I think I may have figured out the problem.

On Saturday, my official weigh-in was 210.4 lbs. I needed and was shooting for 209.8 but just missed it. That day we traveled to see Rachel’s sister compete in a Tough Mudder in Palatka (near Gainesville) FL. So nutrition wasn’t the greatest on that day although I did what I could to keep my calories down.

The next morning I weighed in upon waking up like I always do and the scale said 209.0! I quickly took a picture and was stoked as well as surprised to see my weight under the 210 mark, especially after eating on the road all day Saturday. But what I usually do each morning is weigh myself about three times in a row – each about a minute apart because my scale will sometimes fluctuate. Usually the weights that come back are generally very close to each other and I take the lowest one. But on Sunday, after my first weigh-in at 209.0, my next two weigh-ins (just minutes apart) were both 210.4. So maybe the 209.0 was the anomaly. And my weight really did hold steady at 210.4 from the day before. In retrospect, it makes more sense.

Admittedly, I was running late for work and did not weigh in yesterday (Monday) so I’m not sure what my weight was going into today’s weigh-in. Either way, I somehow came up one pound over the 210.4 that I likely was on Sunday. So two things are at play here. Either my nutrition on Sunday was shit, which I don’t think it was – although I didn’t track calories that day – but did try to eat clean for the most part. Or it was my dinner last night that may have added to the weight. Last night, I made tilapia, fried shrimp, brown rice, a vegetable medley and a salad. I meticulously added up all my calories from that meal just to make sure I wasn’t going overboard and I finished very close to 2300 total. Perhaps the sodium in the fried shrimp or cocktail sauce was enough to retain some water and put me up a pound? Not sure. I did run 3 miles afterward in an attempt to sweat it out. But apparently it was not enough.

Rick and I have been conversing about trying to get my weight low enough where I’m a couple of weeks ahead of where my target weights should be. To give myself a cushion. I need to be at 207.2 or less on this Saturday’s official weigh-in. That’s 4.2 lbs from today! Now, I’m not panicking, I’m fairly certain I can do this. But to get ahead of the game may take me a few more weeks to do. For now, all my focus will go into hitting this week’s target weight. I’ll worry about getting ahead after that.

211.4 – Revisited


One day before my weekly official weigh-in and I’m in real danger of not making my weekly goal weight. This could be the first time that I am behind where I need to be with my weight in order to still be on target to hit my final goal weight of 170-175 by August 30th.  According to my Gator Tracking http://wp.me/P2U3tb-d,  I need to weigh in at 209.8 lbs or less to still be on target. Doing my best to keep my calories strict and according to my formula. Have to find time to get in this week’s “Last Chance Workout” sometime this evening.

Now, I know even if I’m above my weekly target weight, all is not lost. I’ll just have to work harder and smarter in the upcoming weeks to compensate. But I really don’t want to ruin my perfect record of always being at or beyond my target weight each week. If I do, I have only myself to blame. If you’ve read my recent posts you’ll know that I haven’t been as disciplined as I needed to be. I’ve been distracted and unmotivated. So I’ve been trying to get that fire back in me – to push me – to keep me accountable.  Just like that video I just posted yesterday, I have to dig deep and ask myself … How Bad Do I Want It?! I know that I DO want it. But now I have to prove how badly I want it.

Time to grind.


Well after a few bad days nutritionally speaking, I decided to get finally face the music and see how much weight I’ve gained since Saturday’s original weigh-in. Up a pound and a half.

To remain on target to win FitBet and be within my goal weight range of 170-175 by August 30th, I have to be at 209.8 lbs or less on this upcoming Saturday’s weigh in. So I need to lose 3 more pounds. Very doable if I stay the course… Which after the past few days I know I will do.