


Had an exhausting workout last night at YouFit. An intense hour on the elliptical followed by 20 minutes of running on the treadmill. My legs are sore from all the squatting I did raking and bagging leaves the two days prior.

I can’t remember when the last time I got this much exercise every day. It’s tough at times but it’s worth it. Down nearly 17 pounds now from March 11th.

Unfortunately it looks like I’ll be buying my buddy Rick’s beer this weekend. We made a small mini bet two days ago when I weighed in at 224, I told him I thought I could get my weight down below 220 by the time Friday rolled around and I headed down to his place for Orange & Blue weekend. If I did then Rick would have to pay for all my beer this weekend. If not, then I must pay for all of his. I guess it’s still possible, but highly unlikely. I’ll have to lose 2+ lbs by tomorrow and that seems a bit too much. I figured if I weighed in this morning at 221.4 then I may have a chance but as you can see, that didn’t happen. But I’m not disappointed. I’m at my lowest weight in a very long time and buying a good friend beer won’t diminish that in any way.




So last night at the gym after my 57 minutes on the elliptical, I got on the treadmill to walk it out and cool down while I watched the end of the Bulls/Heat game. The Heat were on a 27 game winning steak and looking to break the all-time record of 33 games by the Lakers. Of course I got drawn in like I do with all exciting sporting events. I figured I’d only be on the treadmill for about 10 to 20 minutes but I’ll be damned if it didn’t take 45 more minutes to finish that game. I just HAD to know if the Bulls could end the streak and the only way to keep that little TV on the treadmill on was to keep moving. They did… And I got a bonus 45 minutes of light cardio in. turns out to be a good thing as I weighed in under 224 lbs this a.m.

Still didn’t get much sleep though. 😦