
Short Jaunt

The Fit Gator ran very little distance with MapMyRun! Distance: 1.37mi, time: 17:01, pace: 12:25min/mi, speed: 4.84mi/h.

Ok before you look at my embarrassing distance and pace check this out…


It’s hot as Hades out there people. The other day I ran a mile and a half when it was 93°. I actually ran about the same distance today, but my GPS didn’t pick up until after 2 minutes of running. Also I walked for another minute or so before stopping the running app so it looks like my pace was even slower than it was (if that’s humanly possible).

I really had intentions of running a minimum 5K distance (as I always do), but the sun in the cloudless sky and sheer heat had other ideas. I’ll try again tonight after the sun does down and the temperature drops 10 or more degrees.

I’m signed up to run an official 5K tomorrow over in Monticello. It’s the annual Melon run – As in The Monticello Watermelon Festival Run. I totally had other things in mind when I heard Melon Run and rushed to sign up. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?

I kid, I kid… Actually I ran this race a few years ago. I say “ran” – it was more like walked with a sprinkling of jogs thrown in. It’s a very hilly course and in the middle of June, it’s always hot.


Big Me running the Melon Run in 09

My one goal tomorrow is to run the entire course without walking. I don’t care about time or pace I just want to conquer this race once and for all.


The Fit Gator ran then soon walked with MapMyRun&Walk! Distance: 2.68mi, time: 37:12, pace: 13:51min/mi, speed: 4.33mi/h.

Yeah…. So it’s a little warm outside today. Only managed to run a mile and a half, then opted to walk instead of dying.
