
210.8 – Success Breeds Complacency


Rick and I having a few beers while playing some darts this past Friday night.

Apparently beer is not an approved food on my “lose-weight-and-get-fit-diet.” Complacency is a bad word. I feel like I have been way too complacent lately and as such, I have not abided by my blog’s motto, “Sacrifice. Dedication. Victory.” SDV.

When I have been successful on this journey, it’s because I did sacrifice. I have sacrificed time – time away from sleep so I could exercise instead – early in the morning on weekends or late at night on weekdays; sacrificed time with friends and family – instead of going to a movie with a friend, I would hit the elliptical. Instead of hanging out and playing with my kids, I went to the gym. Instead of going on a date-night with my wife, I would instead choose to spend that time running around the neighborhood. I’ve sacrificed foods – junk foods, fast food, sodas, and other poor choices that were simply just easier to make. I’ve turned down invitations to go to restaurants with friends to make sure I avoided temptation. I’ve fought the urge to simply get fast food during my lunch break, instead opting to go to my house and take the necessary time to make healthy meals. I’ve sacrificed free lunch at work to eat something healthier. I’ve sacrificed soda which I used to drink multiple times a day. I’ve sacrificed sleep and I’ve sacrificed comfort. All in the name of losing weight, fitness, and getting healthy.

I’ve dedicated myself to a healthier lifestyle. I’ve gone to the gym or running the streets late at night on weekdays when I have to be at work at 6 am. I’ve been dedicated to eating right and avoiding eating poorly. I”ve been dedicated to staying hydrated by drinking tons of water each day. I’ve been dedicated to getting up early to exercise on weekends, even when it’s been too cold, too hot, or too rainy when it would have been so nice to just stay in bed.

When I’ve done all of these things, victory is imminent.  I would win at hitting my weekly target weight goals. I would win the battle against temptation. I would win at overcoming physical limitations that I used to have, like not being able to run a complete 5K without walking. I would win with confidence as people noticed and complimented me about my weight loss.  And I had no doubt that I would win the ultimate FitBet that was driving this journey. 

“Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.”

For over a month I have been way too complacent. This is why I have stalled. This is why I haven’t broken into “Onederland” yet. Either you’re getting better or you’re getting worse. I must get better. No excuses. Time to rededicate myself to the FitGator mantra.

Sacrifice. Dedication. Victory.