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Hot 5k Run – 3.27 mi in 0:35:03.

I Just ran 3.27 mi in 0:35:03.

What started out as an attempt to break a 30 minute 5K turned into simply an attempt to burn calories.
Hit the pavement just after 4p. Was going to try to beat my best 5K time of 30:40, but didn’t realize it was a balmy 84 degrees out there. I was running a sub-9 minute pace for the first mile and I could just feel the sun draining my energy. I got about 1.3 miles in before I had to walk. I walked for about 5 minutes then started running again at about an 11 minute pace. I stopped one more time for about one minute to drink from a water fountain. My mouth felt like cotton, so I didn’t mind the brief interruption. Then I simply finished out a 35 minute total run just to get in some cardio. Hopefully I’ll be able to hit the gym tonight for another cardio session.

Have to get my weight back under 217.6 by tomorrow morning to remain on target to win the FitBet.