national running day

Happy National Running Day!

The Fit Gator ran today! Distance: 3.20mi, time: 36:07, pace: 11:17min/mi, speed: 5.32mi/h.

So the past few days haven’t been exceptionally stellar in my pursuit of better health and fitness. My mind has been clouded and I really just lacked motivation. I have been eating poorly and have skipped some workouts. I missed a few days of weigh-ins (some by accident, some on purpose – for fear of seeing the weight I’ve crept back up to.)

I told Rachel and Rick that I just wasn’t feeling it anymore – at least not recently. Guess I was in another funk. Rach was good at reminding me to workout – no excuses! And Rick had a bunch of people send me words of encouragement either in this blog in the comments section or on my Facebook page. Guess that did the trick because I felt inspired again!

I wanted to go running this afternoon but it was raining…

So I planned to hit the gym and hop on the elliptical. But that’s when I saw on my Twitter page that today was National Running Day! If there was ever a day that I HAD to run, today was it; rain or shine.

Fortunately the rain stopped long enough for me to hit the streets of my neighborhood. You would have thought that the rain might have cooled things down outside, but quite the opposite… It was so humid! Felt like I was running through a sauna. Ugh!

It was tough but I was determined to run the full 5K distance with no walking. By the end of my run my shirt was drenched and my legs felt like wet spaghetti noodles, but at least I did it! My diet has also been on point today, so just maybe I’ve turned the corner on that funk and can now continue on my way too losing this 65 pounds and winning the FitBet.