
222.8 – Diet Hawk


222.8 this morning.

I apologize to everyone for all the recent blog posts about the crap that I ate. I know that it doesn’t get much more boring than that. But per the rules of FitBet II, I must blog every time I eat something that’s “bad for you” and thus hindering my weight loss. The purpose of this was to show my followers why I’m not losing weight by disclosing all the bad food that I ate. It was meant as a deterrent and I realize that is subjective and I’m losing followers because of these posts, so I can do one of two things. Eat forever “clean” and not have post any more What-Did-I-Eat posts, or I can alter this, if Rick agrees.

What worked for me early on in my Fit Gator Transformation Journey was restricting calories and exercising daily. I lost weight steadily to the tune of 33 pounds in just over two months of hard work. If Rick agrees, I would like to go back to doing this… Each Saturday morning, when I wake up I will “officially” Weigh-In (per my Gator Tracker Whatever my weight is that morning, I will multiply it times eight (Weight x 8). That number will represent my daily caloric max for the next 7 days. I am not to exceed this number. I will put this number into My Fitness Pal App and track every piece of food and/or drink that goes into my mouth. It’s a bit monotonous but it worked and kept me honest when I did it before. I will be treating it like a bank. You start the day off with a certain amount of calories – Each time I eat or drink anything, I’ll track it which automatically deducts those calories from my daily Calorie Bank. When I run out of calories for the day, I’m done! You can’t get more money out of your bank account once you’ve spent it all, right? So I will treat this like a bank.

I have put a link up under the navigator tab over on the right hand column that says “Diet Hawk”

If anyone is curious as to what I’m eating, they need only look here. It will take you directly to my food diary, showing you everything that I’m eating. This includes Rick who is quick to tell me when I haven’t posted my food blog (which keeps me accountable). Plus this won’t junk up my Fit Gator blog with a bunch of food posts that no one wants to see in their feed.

I will still post my weigh-ins every M, W, and Saturday, with Saturday being my “Official” weigh in for weekly my target weights listed in my Gator Tracker