just plain dumb

Dedicated? or Just Plain Dumb?

So I got up around 3:30 AM after my daughter woke me up. I got her settled back in soon after and was about to go  back to sleep until my alarm was supposed to go off at 5 AM, but Rach says “Why don’t you go running?”. I say “Because it’s freakin’ four o’clock in the morning!” She says “So.”    …

I didn’t have a good comeback after that. So I thought eff it, and went running. I’d like to say that I was dedicated because I was out running my neighborhood streets, but I really need to quit sabotaging my efforts with all the poor nutrition. Gainesville in just over a week. 

A very sleepy Fit Gator ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 3.19mi, time: 36:11, pace: 11:21min/mi, speed: 5.29mi/h.