goal weight



One day left before this week’s official weigh-in. My target weight is 204.6 lbs to remain on schedule to reach my goal weight of 175 or below by August 30th.

Not sure I can hit that by tomorrow but I believe I will get back to my weekly target weights by next Saturday.

There are only 91 short days left until the FitBet deadline, so now the reality of it is really starting to hit me. I know these next three months will go by very quickly so I don’t have as much room for error and taking steps back like I’ve been prone to do.

I’m now down 31 lbs and almost half way to my overall weight loss goal of 65 lbs!

It was a nice morning today so I decided to go for a run. Figured I would burn more fat by running on an empty stomach before eating breakfast. It sucked. Took all the energy I had just to finish my 5K distance without walking. Maybe next time I’ll just eat a banana or something before running.

I ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 3.10mi, time: 35:04, pace: 11:19min/mi, speed: 5.30mi/h.