gator football

222.6 – Return from the Swamp & FitBet II


Labor Day weekend. The unofficial end to summer and the official beginning to something new… FitBet II.

Well I’m back from Gainesville and the football weekend extravaganza! Weight gain was inevitable, but not unexpected. Here’s some of the things we did over the course of the weekend…

We went to the Gator game, watched the Gators win, sang “We Are The Boys” with ninety thousand friends, Did the Gator Chomp, rode a bus, got drunk, played poker, cooked out, played basketball, went to the pub, drove through campus, saw Tim Tebow’s statue, went to the student union, played corn hole, played some Xbox football, ate at Ker’s Winghouse, shopped for gear, ate at Red Robin, went to the mall, and watched as much college football as humanly possible on tv. (Not necessarily in that order)





But today is a new day, a new start… September 2nd, Labor Day. Rick has given me until late November to get my weight under 200 pounds (aka Onderland!) I’ve dubbed this new challenge, FitBet II. Time to put in work…

Time to go to the gym…


Ok, so if you read my link up top entitled “Gator Tracking” then you read how I have set a deadline for me to hit my goal weight range of 170-175 lbs. In that post I said that I “must” hit my goal weight by then, but I didn’t say why. I needed some type of motivation, some kind of consequence if I didn’t reach it by August 30th. Something that will get me off my ass and into shape!

Well my buddy Rick, a fellow Gator die-hard, has also been pushing me to lose the weight, to get back in shape. I asked him his ideas on what may be a great reward or dire consequence for not reaching my goal weight by the time I come down for the Gator Football Weekend Extravaganza?

What we came up with was so evil, so insidious that the mere thought of it brings chills down my spine. I break out in a cold sweat whenever I think about the possibility of losing this “bet”.

If you couldn’t tell by the not-so-subtle hints about my college loyalty (from my blog name and theme, to my picture tailgating, to several references in my posts), I am a huge Florida Gator fan. Been so ever since I was just a wee lad.  I always look forward to heading to The Swamp for football games and will be heading down for the Toledo game this year. Rick is not only also a Gator fan, he’s an alum, and lives in the hometown of the Mighty Gators.

The Swamp - Where Only Gators Get Out Alive!

The Swamp – Where Only Gators Get Out Alive!

Even though Rick has no control over this “Fit Bet”, he has agreed to the terms in order to finally push me into action. If I don’t hit my goal weight, the 170-175 range, I must wear this horrible, horrible shirt the day of the Toledo game.

02-817That doesn’t mean I just have to wear this shithole of a shirt inside the stadium where 90,000 screaming lunatics will be directing their anger at me, but I also must wear it to the tailgate before hand. To prevent me from telling everyone “I lost a bet” is why I’m wearing Chief Assahola on my back, we have agreed that I must pay Rick $1 every time that I do say that. Hey, those singles will add up fast, especially if it prevents me from getting into any scuffles while wearing such atrocious attire. Now, here’s the great part… If I do hit my goal weight, then my buddy Rick will be the jackass wearing the shirt. The $1 “I lost a bet” contract will then apply to him.  If this doesn’t motivate me to do my best, I don’t know what will.


Of course, ol’ Rico has fallen prey to losing a similar bet last year.
