
Night Time is the right time

It’s 10:30p. You know where I am. The gym. YouFit. Throwing down another cardio session. Hoping to be under 227 tomorrow.

Even though my sleep has been taking a hit, I kind of like these night time workouts for the time being. After doing them, I feel like I go to bed with my body still burning calories like mad which helps my weight loss. Conversely, if I eat dinner and just hang out at the house without doing any exercise afterward, I feel like that food just sits there and collects as fat, causing a weight gain. I realize that there will often be nights that I can’t get in a workout. Hopefully on those days my calorie restriction will be enough to prevent any weight gain.

Day 1

Well today is Day 1 of my eventual physique and health transformation.


I weighed in this morning at exactly 238.6 lbs – the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. I truly feel that I am at the very bottom of an extremely deep hole of which I need to climb out. It seems daunting, no doubt, but I can see daylight at the very top of the hole. Sure, I can stay here and continue to sink deeper and deeper into the muck, farther away from the light – like I have for the past 15 years… Or I can fight my way out, one inch at a time! I have chosen the latter.

After weighing in, I laced up the running shoes and stepped outside into the cool, crisp, fifty-five degree January morning air. Haven’t run in a very long time. I turned on Pandora, and my running app, then hit the pavement.

My goal today was to simply run a mile. And though I have run further in the past, its kind of like I’m starting over because it’s been so long since I’ve run consistently.

So I ran a mile in exactly 11 minutes (slow, I know), then walked and additional 4 miles. During my run my lower back hurt and the arches of my feet did too. I know this is due to the immense weight I’m carrying around. I think once I lose a fair amount of weight, the pain will begin to abate.