
Fitcon Level 4

Ok. So I had a rough beginning to the week and though I got back on track towards the end, I’m still behind where I need to be on my weekly target weights. 

There are now only 12 weeks until the FitBet deadline and I make the two hour trek down to Gainesville. With me, I will have in my possession the shirt which must not be named.


Come August 31st, either Rick or I will be wearing it deep into the bowels of the Swamp – where “only Gators get out alive!”


And by doing so, he with said shirt will have the utmost pleasure of being mercilessly ridiculed by ninety-thousand of his newest enemies. He will be subject to name calling, sneers, and words not appropriate for this blog.

Therefore I am raising my urgency level from Fitcon Level 5 to Fitcon Level 4. What does that mean exactly? It means that I have to make more changes if I am to be victorious.

Since there are 12 weeks left until my FitBet Deadline, I will no longer go out to eat for lunch during the week. Often on my lunch break, I will swing by a restaurant like Subway to get something to eat. Even though this food choice isn’t fried, it still is higher in calories and sodium content. For the next 12 weeks, all of my weekday lunches will be prepared by me at home.

I will also limit my soda intake (a difficult task for me) to only 3 sodas a week. In the past I used to have 2, 3, or more sodas per day! This will eliminate empty calories. Plus soda also seems to elicit a hunger response from me when I have them, so by eliminating them, I hope to staff off hunger and thereby gorging when I’m “famished.”

Hopefully by raising my awareness level to Fitcon Level 4, I will be able to right the ship. If this doesn’t work, I’ll look into raising the level to Fitcon 3. Hoping that won’t be be necessary.