
227.8 – MRI Today

About the same weight as yesterday. Admittedly we were out running errands and decided to eat Jimmie John’s for dinner. Thinking the sodium in that meal caused me to retain a little water and hence the .2 lb weight gain. Or it could just be my scale which tends to fluctuate its readings a little here and there.  Nonetheless, the onus is strictly on diet today.

I’m having an MRI on my right knee today. I hurt it playing basketball down in Gainesville 9 days ago. Landed awkwardly, kind of buckled. It feels tight and though it’s not really hurting continuously, when I walk it often locks up which shoots pain down the front of my leg from my knee to my foot. It also hurts to kneel down on that knee, so I’m really worried that surgery is going to be my only option. Guess I’ll find out in a couple of days when the doctor has a chance to review my MRI.

It has been depressing not being able to run or use the elliptical at YouFit. The weather has cooled things down outside and now it is so nice outdoors – it’s the perfect time to do some running before the harsh, colder winter air moves in and I won’t want to even step outside, much less go running.

Edit: MRI completed. Now I play the waiting game until I hear the news from the doctor


Down nearly a pound from yesterday by simply monitoring what I ate. My goal for the next few months is to lose 12lbs per month, which equates to 3lbs a week. It would be a lot easier to obtain if my knee wasn’t messed up and I could do some cardio. But it is what it is and I must make the most of it.

Another thing I want to see is to no longer see a weight gain on the scale whenever I weigh in. It can remain the same or be less, but I’m going to try to avoid seeing that number go up ever again. I believe proper nutrition week be the key. More now than ever since I cannot do any cardio exercise.

228.4 – Official Weigh-In

wpid-IMAG0154_1.jpgSo I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday and I’m sorry that I did. Even though it wasn’t good, it was 226.0. Yesterday we had some friends over for dinner and to watch the Florida v. Kentucky game. We ate BBQ pork sliders, coleslaw, baked beans, and mac & cheese. In addition to that my buddy Will and I probably put down 10 beers a piece. What’s that spell? D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R. Woke up this morning a full 2 and a half pounds heavier than yesterday. I have the blessing/curse of being able to lose weight very quickly but also able to gain it just as fast.

The other day Rick posted something on my blog or texted me (I can’t remember), but he said something about how I initially created this blog for myself. I was doing it so Rick could see where I was and I could go back and read where I’ve been and what I was doing.  Somewhere along the way I was surprised to find that people were actually starting to follow my blog. Wasn’t sure how they even found it (still not sure to be honest), but I kept blogging as if it was just Rick and I reading it. Soon I hit 50 followers and I think I started blogging more for what I thought people wanted to read. Before long I crossed the 100 follower threshold and I had some personal things come up that all contributed to me losing sight of what this Fit Gator blog was really about. Me.

Rick was also right when he said that this was no longer a fitness/weight loss blog, but just a blog about some guy living his life. Not trying to get better or to lose weight or anything. That really hit home. I wasn’t exercising much. Wasn’t watching what I ate. Didn’t track calories. And basically I was just doing all the crap I used to do before I began my fitness journey.

Now my knee is jacked up. MRI is scheduled for Tuesday. Fearing that I may need surgery. My knee doesn’t hurt too much, but when I walk, it is a little tender, but what really gets me is when I’m walking and it locks up on me. I get a shooting pain from my knee down to my foot and it literally stops me in my tracks. It’s depressing because I see my weight creeping up higher and higher and now I can’t do any cardio. “What Next?” I think. Seems like I can’t catch a break.

But this blog is about rising above all this. Go back and read what is 1fitgator in the links above. It’s as much, if not more, about the mental struggles of overcoming obstacles as it is the physical ones. I need to beat this. So what… I can’t run or get on the elliptical. Ok. What can I do? well I can weight train – I can build my muscles and still burn calories. I can also quit eating shit. That’s priority #1. Stop the bleeding. Reverse the trend.

So I will need to be meticulous about inputting everything I eat into my fitness pal app. Track all my calories. I’ll continue to set my daily calories as “Weight x 8” but with the exception of if I’m still hungry between meals, that I can eat a piece of fruit. My daily calories based on today’s weigh in are about 1827. If I eat a couple extra pieces of fruit in addition to this, my daily intake will only be about 2000-2200 cals which is still low enough to help me lose weight.  By adding in the “optional fruit” I won’t be as hungry by the next time I eat a meal and therefore won’t get lazy and eat crap.

Sacrifice. Dedication. Victory.

224.2 – more of the same

This morning’s weigh in, 224.2.
About where I was on Monday.

Hurt my knee while down in Gainesville. It may be pretty bad. Have X-rays scheduled today. Meeting with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. Definitely unable to do any cardio currently. Knee hurts in about three different places. Sometimes it buckles on me. Sometimes it locks up on me. Either way, it sucks and doesn’t help my cause.


Rise and shine. You know I’m kind of sick going round and round on my weight here. The other day I lost 4 and a half pounds in one day by combining calorie restriction and hella amounts of cardio.

Then I made the mistake of going out with my buddy Will for beers on Saturday night. Sunday morning I went golfing with another friend and knocked back tons of soda due to the heat on the links. Weight was up to 217.6 yesterday morning. In addition to my Insanity workout, I only got in that little amount of cardio while sleep running last night (see my last post) and now am down just shy of a pound.

There are now 24 days until Gainesville. As I mentioned in earlier posts I’d really like to get down below two bills by then. If I shoot to lose a pound a day (on average) from now until then o think I can do it. I’ll really to need to focus on my diet. I’d also like to get in two full cardio sessions each day.

So for the next few weeks, I’m not going to worry about any fitness bets or ultimate goals, I’m just going to focus on that magic number, 199. Put all my energy into reaching that by August 30th. It will be my lowest weight to date and the first time in 14 years that I’ve weighed less than two hundred pounds. A milestone.

206.6 – Weekly Cheat Meal

Sadly, up a pound and a half from yesterday. Rachel and I went to a restaurant called Po’ Boys last night for dinner.  Due to my improvement in weight loss, I decided to have my weekly cheat meal. We had fried pickles and something called Boom Boom shrimp for appetizers. For my main meal I had chicken tenders and French fries, and yes I had a Coke. It was the un-healthiest of meals but damn, was it delicious. But the high calorie content and no doubt elevated sodium levels contributed to my weight gain this morning.

I can tell that I really haven’t been eating much fried foods the past few months, because afterward this food killed my stomach. Before, when I was fatter and eating stuff like this daily, my stomach was accustomed to it and rarely bothered me. So it’s back to clean eating the remainder of this week. It’s great for my weight loss and just makes me feel better when I eat well.

My target weight for this Saturday’s weigh-in is exactly 202.0 lbs. I’m fairly confident that I can hit that goal with proper nutrition and exercise. My girls are at the in-laws for the week, so I should be able to get in double workouts this week – one in the afternoons when I get off work, and my usual nighttime cardio either at the gym or running through the neighborhood.

Right now I’m about to head up to YouFit for an intense elliptical routine. Bring it!

205.0 – Official Weigh-In


Well I didn’t quite hit my weekly target weight of 204.6, but I’m closing back in on it. Hopefully by next Saturday’s official weigh-in I’ll be back below my target weights again.

There are now 90 days Left until the FitBet Deadline to be between 170-175 lbs and I’m now down 33.6 lbs and just over halfway to my goal weight loss of 65 lbs total. 32 lbs to go!

It took me ~82 days to lose 33 lbs and I have 90 days left to lose the remaining 32 lbs – so it’s definitely doable. But like I’ve said in earlier posts, the closer I get to my goal weight, the slower the weight loss will become. So I’ll have to really focus on diet in the upcoming weeks.

Onederland is right around the corner. Onederland is a term I picked up from the Biggest Loser – it’s getting your weight back into the one hundreds! The last time I can honestly recall being below two bills was in 1999, so this will be very exciting for me.

Hoping to make it to the gym for a good cardio workout later today. Gotta made the fat hurt, ya know? 🙂



Good exercise and proper nutrition = weight loss. Almost back down to the 213.8 I was on Sunday morning before I had my food bender.

The only problem was that my calf muscle seized up on me a little at the end of my workout last night. Doesn’t seem to be bothering me too much this morning. Guess we’ll know for sure when I go to exercise again.

Currently under the 215.0 lbs I need to officially weigh this Saturday to remain on target to win the FitBet. Need to put some more distance between my actual and my target weight though. I have today and tomorrow to do so.


Still riding high from my 5.2 mile run on Sunday, I thought it would be okay to eat crap on Monday. Breakfast and snacks were healthy, but I ate some leftover Barnaby’s pizza for lunch and for dinner I ate a Jimmy John’s sub with BBQ chips. I also had two Cokes yesterday. So basically I ate like I used to eat before starting my weight loss journey.

I figured I might be able to compensate by hitting it hard at the gym last night, but to no avail. I’m sure I went over my allotted calories and the sodium associated with all that crap surely contributed to my one and a half pound gain.

After dinner, Rach and I came up with some meal ideas to get us through the end of the week – preventing me from eating out anymore and thus quit sabotaging my efforts. I hit the grocery store then hit the gym late. Got my meals all planned it through Saturday.

I need to be under 217 on my official weigh in this Saturday to remain on target to hit my FitBet goal weight of 170-175 on August 30th. I firmly believe with proper nutrition and exercise, that I could get as low as 213.8 by then. We shall see.