
213.6 – Viva Las Vegas

As promised I bounced back from my 3 lb weight gain over the past few days to lose exactly that from yesterday to today. Restricted calories to about 1800 and got in an afternoon 5k run yesterday.

Rachel and I went out to dinner with 2 sales reps to TGI Fridays last night. I made sure to save up a majority of my daily allotted calories for that to make sure I didn’t “sabotage” myself again. I had the Dragonfire Chicken and 3 Miler Lites, plus just a few of the green bean appetizer. I had planned to go to the gym afterward but it was closing in on 10p by the time we got home so I shelved the idea.

Was expecting to see my weight come in around 215.0 this morning when I woke up so I’m pleasantly surprised to see that I’m back down to my lowest weight total yet. I need to be at or below 212.2 this Saturday on my official weigh in to remain on target to win FitBet.

On a quick note, today is the day Rach and I were supposed to fly out to Las Vegas to meet up with Rick and Denise and some other folks to celebrate Ricks 40th birthday coming up on Friday. We have never been and had really been looking forward to this trip. But some things happened and we weren’t able to go. So Rick just know that while you guys are living it up under the lights I’ll be there in spirit my brother, while kicking my ass in the gym. Hope you guys have a great time. We’ll get there some day….


New day. New challenges.

Kept my calories right and did my night time cardio yesterday. The result was over a pound of weight loss. Looks like it may be hard to get below 220 by Friday but Lord knows I’m going to try.

Supposed to have heavy rain today and tomorrow so it looks like my remaining yard work will be put on hold until next week.



Oops. Sorry, forgot to post this.

Up one pound from Friday. Had Barnaby’s with friends last night. Car died in parking lot of restaurant. Needed a new starter. Had to get it towed. It sucked.

Didn’t get to run, but did do an hour on the elliptical.

Ricky came over and made us maple glazed salmon with a rice medley  The salmon was a bit too “fishy” tasting for my likes but I’m sure it was healthy.

Daily calories each day for the next week are 1798. Weight x 8.

233.4 – Three steps forward, one step back

Well I am am up about a pound from yesterday, but I can learn from this. I strayed from the formula that I’ve been using the past several days and I’ve paid for it on the scale. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little disappointed in myself – Rach actually had to talk me off the cliff a little bit.

We got take it from Cracker Barrel last night for dinner. I had about 700 calories left to use for the day, so I chose to get  meatloaf with sides of steak fries, coleslaw, and a sweet potato. Not the best choices, but not the worst either. Either way, I must have miscalculated the calorie content (Cracker Barrel doesn’t list their nutrition values), or once again my mortal enemy, Sodium has struck me again.

Pair that with no exercise yesterday (time just didn’t allow it) and you have a recipe for weight gain. I think the moral to this story is that I am going to have to be much more rigid and careful whenever we choose to eat food from a restaurant, erring on the side of caution instead of trying to hit my macros dead on.

The good news in all of this is that I have been Coke-free (all sodas for that matter – even diet) since Sunday, so five days strong! For me that is huge

I am just over my target weight for tomorrow’s weigh in, but I’m confident that I will be below it again as I am going back to the formula that had helped me and Rach has promised me time to workout when I get home from work.