

Guess the late night cardio last night worked – I’m down almost another two pounds. And under 227 which is what I was hoping for. Down just shy of 13 pounds now from when I got “serious” back on March 11th (16 days ago).

The weight loss is motivating. I know each day that I eat right, exercise, and lose weight that I’m making my body healthier. Still have a long way to go to win the FitBet, but I’m feeling pretty good about it right now.


Back on track. Hit my calorie range yesterday and got in a late night cardio session. Now down 11 pounds and well on my way to accomplishing my goals.

The only drawback I can see is that I’m not getting enough sleep. I have to be at work at 6am on weekdays. Last night I didn’t get to bed until just after midnight. Then party girl Drew woke me up at 4:20 this morning. Been up ever since. This sleep deprivation is taking it’s toll. Ugh. Gonna have to fight through another day.

3.1 – Hell yeah!

So Rachel and I are down in Gainesville for the end of Challenge Week. We had some tasty tofu and shrimp stir fry for dinner last night. Afterward we hit The Queen’s Arms pub to watch the Gators blowout victory over Northwestern in the opining round of the NCAA basketball tournament

I did have a few beers, but they were all “light” beers at least.

Our hosts, Rick and Denise promised me a workout so we went for a run. Rick and Denise are experienced runners but were gracious enough to run at a very slow pace so I could build on my distance. Last time I was able to run 2.6 miles with no walking… Today? I knocked out the full 3.1 miles without walking! Hell yes! So excited! Hoping to repeat the performance when I’m back home running on my own.