
8 Mile Dusk Run!

I Just ran 8.01 mi in 1:30:25. No walking!

8 freaking miles?! Where the hell did that come from? The farthest I had ever run in my life up to this point was that 5.2 miles I recently ran for that Boston run.

So I went out around 8p to get in a run. It was unseasonably cool. Around 61 degrees. My plan was to run 4, maybe 5 miles at a slow pace, just to burn off some calories. I would decide which one of those distances once I got close and then see how I was feeing.

I hit the minimum 5k, 3.1 mile distance and was doing great so already I was thinking 5 miles was in order. Before long I was passing the 4 mile mark and feeling no ill effects so I pressed on. As I reached 5 miles, I was kind of in a zone and got excited at the prospect of running a full 10K (6.2 miles) distance. Heck, the farthest I had ever run was during the 5.2 mile Run for Boston race I did a few weeks back so adding to my distance would be sweet.

I neared the 6 mile mark and my legs and lungs both still felt great. Rick had told me that he and Denise had run an 8 miler earlier in the day themselves. How cool would it be for me to tell him that I also ran 8 freaking miles! So I continued on. Past 6.2 miles, and then past the 7 mile mark. I still wasn’t tired. I began toying with the idea of running a full 15K (9.3 miles) in my head. If 8 miles is crazy, then 9 miles would just blow Rick’s mind.

So I ran… and ran.. and ran…. And as I heard my time and distance being announced every minute through my phone app, it was blowing MY mind! 6 miles – wow…then 7 miles – Are you kidding me?!… then 7.5 miles – How am I doing this?!

But my right knee was getting sore. It had already gotten dark, windy, and colder. Plus I think wolves were chasing me, so I decided to cap it at the 8 miles. My wife Rach, was texting me, worried if I was ok. I had been gone longer than usual and like I said, it was dark.

So there you go. I ran 8 miles and never walked once. I still can’t believe I was able to do that.
