Focus T25

225.4 -Weigh In


Cleaning it up! This morning’s breakfast – Eggs, Oatmeal, & Water. Check out my nutrition under the Diet Hawk link

My weight is surprisingly high this morning. I’m not surprised that it’s up, but am surprised at how much. Yesterday I was up to 223.6. Why is my weight so high? I have to disclose that I haven’t been trying to hard lately. Back to half-assing things – diet, exercise, dedication… I went for broke on Monday and had Panda Express for lunch. I added up the calories based on their website nutrition to see exactly how bad it really was…. Wow it was really bad. Over 1700 calories! just for lunch! I only have around 1750 total daily calories allotted to me. Last night we had pizza and soda for dinner. Nothing but crap…

A major problem that I have is that I have a “Perfectionist” attitude. You’re probably thinking, “Some one with a perfectionist attitude would strive for perfection and lose weight, not gain it” right? My problem is that I’m all-or-nothing, which is bad. You see, I can eat well in the morning, maybe even eat well for lunch, but if I screw up and eat something crappy later, then my mind thinks “Oh well, today’s shot – You might as well eat whatever you want and don’t exercise because it won’t matter. Try again tomorrow.” It’s what kept me fat for so many years.

In addition to that, I’m heading back down to Hogtown this weekend for the Tennessee/Florida matchup for a guy’s weekend with my buddies Rick and Will. I know, as it always is, this weekend will be rife with beer, chicken wings, and who knows what else. Yes, it’s going to be hella fun, but then my brain goes into overdrive again…” Hey you’re going down to Gainesville for guy’s weekend. You’re going to ingest a shit ton of calories. Why even worry about getting back into shape and losing weight until that weekend is over.” It’s quite defeating.

Rick and I spoke about it. He uses logic – “eat well until that weekend, then get back at it afterward. That way you only have one bad weekend.” (I’m paraphrasing here). As much as the devil on my shoulder tries to justify my weak ass approach to procrastinating, I can’t win this argument. Remember… Tomorrow Never Comes. There will always be something else coming up. I must persevere. So I’m forcing myself to clean up my diet, even if it is just for the next couple days before Guy’s Weekend.  I restarted Focus T25 (a Beachbody Fitness Program similar to Insanity) on Monday, but I haven’t run in three weeks! Three weeks! I can’t believe it. My wife started a new job recently and she’s working longer hours. She’s pretty tired at night, so we don’t always see eye-to-eye about me leaving for an hour to run the neighborhood while the kids are still awake. I have to work on getting them to bed earlier or simply sacrificing sleep and running late at night like I used to. I must get that type of dedication back.

By the way, for those of you who have noticed me calling Gainesville “Hogtown” every once in a while but don’t know why… here you go.


Hogtown. Click to enlarge pic.

Fitness Redux


I recently redid my “Gator Tracking” tab up there at the top of the page ‎ and saw how I progressively lost weight every week from early March to early June. I was a man on a mission. A machine that couldn’t be stopped. I had the formula for losing weight down. I sacrificed and I was dedicated and because of that I lost weight at a steady click for over two months.

But then I got derailed. I tried to hold on, but it was a losing battle. My heart wasn’t in it. My weight fluctuated at first – back and forth between 205 & 212 … And then I simply let go. I quit trying; I started half-assing it.  Eventually I fell back into old habits. Eating fast food, junk food, and sodas. Exercise and good nutrition have been sporadic at best.

But looking back on all that I accomplished has actually inspired me to do it again. But I can’t do this without a plan. I’ve been winging it and you see where that’s gotten me. Fat again. But I can’t dwell on the past. I can’t live in it either.

“Always Look Forward, Never Back!”

The Fit Gator Exercise Plan:

Sunday – (morning) Strength Training @ Gym; (night) Run

Monday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Elliptical

Tuesday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Strength Training @ Gym

Wednesday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Run

Thursday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Strength Training @ Gym

Friday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Run

Saturday – (morning) Run; (afternoon) H.I.I.T.

*H.I.I.T. (aka High Intensity Interval Training) will either be sprints, jumping rope, or bike “sprints”

The Fit Gator Nutrition Plan:

Saturday Morning Weight x Eight (8) = Max Daily Calories allowed for the next seven days.

Eat: Vegetables, Fruits, Lean Proteins, Healthy Fats, and Whole Grains.

Avoid: Fried Foods, Fast Food, Soda, Candy, Cookies, Cakes (and the like).

Drink: Water, water, water (At least 64 oz daily)