Fitness Redux


I recently redid my “Gator Tracking” tab up there at the top of the page ‎ and saw how I progressively lost weight every week from early March to early June. I was a man on a mission. A machine that couldn’t be stopped. I had the formula for losing weight down. I sacrificed and I was dedicated and because of that I lost weight at a steady click for over two months.

But then I got derailed. I tried to hold on, but it was a losing battle. My heart wasn’t in it. My weight fluctuated at first – back and forth between 205 & 212 … And then I simply let go. I quit trying; I started half-assing it.  Eventually I fell back into old habits. Eating fast food, junk food, and sodas. Exercise and good nutrition have been sporadic at best.

But looking back on all that I accomplished has actually inspired me to do it again. But I can’t do this without a plan. I’ve been winging it and you see where that’s gotten me. Fat again. But I can’t dwell on the past. I can’t live in it either.

“Always Look Forward, Never Back!”

The Fit Gator Exercise Plan:

Sunday – (morning) Strength Training @ Gym; (night) Run

Monday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Elliptical

Tuesday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Strength Training @ Gym

Wednesday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Run

Thursday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Strength Training @ Gym

Friday – (afternoon) Focus T25; (night) Run

Saturday – (morning) Run; (afternoon) H.I.I.T.

*H.I.I.T. (aka High Intensity Interval Training) will either be sprints, jumping rope, or bike “sprints”

The Fit Gator Nutrition Plan:

Saturday Morning Weight x Eight (8) = Max Daily Calories allowed for the next seven days.

Eat: Vegetables, Fruits, Lean Proteins, Healthy Fats, and Whole Grains.

Avoid: Fried Foods, Fast Food, Soda, Candy, Cookies, Cakes (and the like).

Drink: Water, water, water (At least 64 oz daily)

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