220.0 – What Now?


So I weighed in at an astonishing two-hundred and twenty pounds this morning. I’m well off my target weights and somewhat spiraling out of control. I told myself I’d never let my weight get back into the 220’s, yet here I sit.

My diet has been shit lately (of course). It’s no big mystery how I gain weight back or how I stall my weight loss. All I have to do is look at what I’ve been eating. Laziness and complacency have been my biggest enemies.

As I’ve said in recent posts, the FitBet was supposed to create a sense of urgency to lose weight, but as I got behind on my weight loss, it became obvious that I won’t win the bet. Now I’m in limbo. I still want to lose the weight and get back to being fit, but I no longer have that beacon guiding me. It’s kind of like going to college but not knowing what you want to do with your life. You take some classes here and there to make it feel like you’re doing something, but you’re really just spinning your wheels because you don’t have that ultimate goal to guide your path.

It’s funny, because in a recent post I thought the constant reminder of the clock ticking and counting down to a deadline was too stressful, but it seems that’s exactly what I really need.

What’s my ultimate goal? I’m not really sure any more. I know I’d like to get my weight down to around 175. I’d like to be able to run races more often – not necessarily to compete against other people, but to set PRs for myself – although I would like to one day be competitive against Rick again. 

There are still many other fitness goals that I’d like to achieve (look under the tab “Gator Strong” above), but without an attainable fitness bet pushing me, I’m stuck taking classes without a major, so to speak. It’s not fair for me to ask Rick to postpone the FitBet Deadline again. He’s done about everything he can do to motivate me.

I had a major setback when my mother passed away, and it’s been tough getting back on the horse, although I do feel that I’m not that far away. I’m teetering. I just need that extra little Push. That incentive that will fire me up again. In the back of my mind I feel like I’ll ultimately reach my fitness goals, but without a time urgency (like FitBet) reminding me to “Get up and Go!” I’m simply continuing to slack and put it off like I had been doing for years leading up to the start of this blog.

Hoping to find resolution soon…

One comment

  1. Ur killing me dude. I don’t know what else I can do to motivate u. I made(several) FitBets with you, extended your deadline, made side bets, and even bought and completed the Insanity Program because I thought it would help you achieve your goals. You haven’t lived up to your end of the deal. I don’t see how another bet or extension would do anything other than postpone the inevitable, which is you wearing that shirt…but…

    being the kind, benevolent, handsome friend that I am, I am willing to give you one LAST opportunity. You are gonna have to show some resolve and rekindle that FIRE you had in the spring. So here’s the deal:

    I will give you until the FSU game to lose the weight. I think the new goal should be for you to get ur weight under 200 lbs. We will discuss another bet to get u to your ultimate goal if you are able to achieve this one. I want u to win one for once, so please take this opportunity. 170 is just too daunting and too big a number to hit, so lets take this in increments. 199 is ur number.

    If you do not hit your goal, you will wear the FSU shirt to the FSU game and get ur picture taken in front of the Steve Spurrier Statue wearing it (this is, of course, assuming we are able to get tickets). If not, I will likely be in Tallahassee for Thanksgiving and you will go down to the Bobby Bowden statue and get your picture taken in your Nole regalia doing the tomahawk chop and you must post it to ur blog and on your Facebook. I also would add the following conditions:

    1) I am out of the bet. I lived up to my end of the bargain. You’re failure is not my responsibility, so even if you do manage to win the FitBet, I no longer have to wear the FSU shirt.
    2)You must blog your weight EVERY Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday. No excuses, miss once and u forfeit the bet.
    3)You must BLOG all the JUNK FOOD you eat. If you eat clean, no need to BLOG it. You’re supposed to be eating clean. This includes sodas(any type), chips and the like, Little Debbies, cookies or desserts of any kind, any fast food, restaurants…u know what it is. Obviously, u are on the honor system for this, and the scale will keep u honest as well.

    There is the deal amigo, the ball is in your court. There won’t be a 3rd mulligan and this will be our last FitBet if you don’t win. So fucking win, alright?

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