Yet I Run

Just got back another night run around my neighborhood. I’m going to miss these summer night runs once the cooler weather hits. I’ve really come to like the serenity of these late night runs.
In the muggy night air with a melodious orchestra of frogs and crickets playing  in the background, it’s just me and my shadow propelling down the roads and sidewalks under the amber glow of the streetlights. 

At this time of night I own the neighborhood. While most of my neighbors likely unwind on their couches after a long day, I pass by their houses and notice the tell-tale blue hue of their televisions, yet I run.

The humidity is thick and the sweat endlessly runs down my brow burning my eyes. I wipe it away with the rapidly disappearing dry parts of my shirt, yet I run.

It’s eleven o’clock in the evening and I have to be at work before the sun rises again. Six a.m. comes quickly when you go to sleep at midnight, yet I run.

My three point one miles are nearly up.  I don’t want it to end even if my feet, legs, and lungs are begging me to do so. Yet I run.

Finally my five kilometers is over and I  begin to walk my half mile cool down. It clears my mind and I feel good. I will sleep well tonight. Good night summer run… Until next time.

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