217.2 – 30 pounds in 34 days, can I do it?

Down a pound and a half since I issued that warning to myself two days ago. There are now just 34 days until I go down to Gainesville for the Toledo game. And even though we’ve extended the FitBet Deadline to the end of September, I’d still like to lose as much weight as possible by this first game.

So my lofty goal for the next 34 days is to lose 30 pounds. I know, I know… Impossible. But I have to set the bar high enough to really push myself. I can just imagine being 187 lbs when I get there! That’s crazy! And would leave me 12 lbs away from winning FitBet with a month to go.

The Fit Gator ran with MapMyRun! Distance: 3.16mi, time: 35:06, pace: 11:06min/mi, speed: 5.41mi/h.
Then the humidity got the best of me yet again so I decided to walk a little bit…

The Fit Gator then walked with MapMyRun! Distance: 2.85mi, time: 51:17, pace: 18:01min/mi, speed: 3.33mi/h.

Tomorrow’s weigh-in target is 216.0

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