206.6 – Weekly Cheat Meal

Sadly, up a pound and a half from yesterday. Rachel and I went to a restaurant called Po’ Boys last night for dinner.  Due to my improvement in weight loss, I decided to have my weekly cheat meal. We had fried pickles and something called Boom Boom shrimp for appetizers. For my main meal I had chicken tenders and French fries, and yes I had a Coke. It was the un-healthiest of meals but damn, was it delicious. But the high calorie content and no doubt elevated sodium levels contributed to my weight gain this morning.

I can tell that I really haven’t been eating much fried foods the past few months, because afterward this food killed my stomach. Before, when I was fatter and eating stuff like this daily, my stomach was accustomed to it and rarely bothered me. So it’s back to clean eating the remainder of this week. It’s great for my weight loss and just makes me feel better when I eat well.

My target weight for this Saturday’s weigh-in is exactly 202.0 lbs. I’m fairly confident that I can hit that goal with proper nutrition and exercise. My girls are at the in-laws for the week, so I should be able to get in double workouts this week – one in the afternoons when I get off work, and my usual nighttime cardio either at the gym or running through the neighborhood.

Right now I’m about to head up to YouFit for an intense elliptical routine. Bring it!

One comment

  1. Hate for those weekly cheat meals to be the reason you are on Facebook in a Nole shirt. Maybe try cheating just a little instead of going full crazy. 2 fried sodium laden appetizers, fried entree and a Coke. Damn buddy.

    “The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now” -Zig Ziglar

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