Tough Mudder


So we just back from the Jacksonville Tough Mudder, which was actually in Palatka, not too far from Gainesville. We went to support Rachel’s sister Leslie, who was competing in it.

Its a grueling 10-12 mile course designed by British Special Forces. It included all kinds of crazy obstacles like trudging through an ice bath, running through tons of mud, scaling a huge wall, and finishing through electrified wires! I believe there were about 20 obstacles overall throughout the course.


Your last chance to back out!

Leslie was in the first wave of runners beginning at 10am. She finished in about three and a half hours and we were there at the end to cheer her on as she got shocked running through the final obstacle, the electrified wires.


Tough Mudders are all about camaraderie and everyone helping everyone finish.


It looked like one awesome giant fitness party. Rachel and I liked it so much we plan to do it ourselves next year. Leslie has agreed to do it again, this time with us. I’m putting out the invite here for Rick and his lovely wife Denise to join our team and do it with us too!

So congrats Leslie! You are definitely a Badass and one tough mudder!




  1. Leslie is one tough girl. Congrats to her and I hope she is proud of her accomplishment. I hear about this Tough Mudder and I definitely want to try it out, it sounds awesome.

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