210.4 – Official Weigh-in


The steak has come to an end. My perfect record of always being at or below my weekly target weight to remain on schedule to hit my FitBet goal weight 170-175 by August 30th when I head down to Gainesville for the first football game of the year.

According to my Gator Tracking, I needed to be at or below 209.8 lbs on today’s weigh-in to still be on track. However, I’m only behind the 8-ball by about a half a pound. I will have to double my efforts this week to make up that lost ground.

On a positive note, I’m down over 28 lbs now and at my lowest weight yet and right around the corner from breaking into the single digit 200’s! So today is still a great day!

Our family is heading over to Jacksonville today to see my wife’s older sister Leslie compete in a Tough Mudder which will only make me look like a wimp doing the exercises that I do. If you don’t know what a Tough Mudder is, you should look it up.

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