212.0 – Subtle Changes


Okay! 212.0! Almost 27 lbs down and now at my lowest weight yet.

So as I’ve said, I’ve lost enough weight now that people are noticing without being prompted or without any knowledge of me even trying to lose weight.

But now I’m beginning to notice some subtle changes myself. I can see a more definitive jaw line on my face now. I can tell my stomach has gotten smaller. My clothes are fitting better – jeans and shirts that used to be almost too tight, now fit easily; some almost to big now even. My wedding band is feeling looser. I’m assuming I’ll need to get it resized when this is all said and done.

My scrubs at work are getting baggier. Currently I wear XL scrubs and one of my Strong Gator Goals was to fit in size Large scrubs comfortably. I could probably squeeze into them now, but I’m going to wait until I get back under 200 lbs before I make the switch. I haven’t been sub-200 lbs since 1999! So this is getting pretty exciting.

I only have today and tomorrow left to put some distance between my target weight and actual weight. My target weight to hit this Saturday to remain on target to win the Fit Bet is 212.4 lbs. Gotta maintain my focus these next few days.

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