216.6 – Calories In vs. Calories Out


Kept the calories in check yesterday, drank lots of water, and got in some decent cardio. The result? Now officially my lowest weight yet so far!

Now sometimes I know I could be eating better. Cleaner. But I often wonder is it really what you eat that determines your body composition? Or how much you eat?

Researching it, you’ll find arguments for both sides. But what I’ve found, at least so far, is that it’s simply “calories in vs calories out”. Meaning, if you burn more calories in a day than you consume, you’ll lose weight. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2000 calories of twinkies or 2000 calories of chicken breasts and broccoli. Your body doesn’t know the difference between French fries and salmon. It simply uses the energy from calories to do what it needs to do in a given day.

That being said, you can definitely eat more of the healthy stuff than the junk food due to there being fewer calories in it per general. Like I posted a while back, there are the same amount of calories in 4 chicken breasts as there is one large doughnut. Which one of those do you think will keep you fuller longer?  Plus protein takes longer to break down than simple carbohydrates which burns more fat.

I found this article which summarizes it up fairly succinctly.


Here’s a good video on it as well

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