

Ok, well today’s “official” weigh-in comes in at 217.2.  Exactly three pounds less than the 220.2 I needed to be in order to remain on target to hit my FitBet goal weight of 170-175 on August 30th.

That’s good and all but I really should be a bit further ahead than that. Those 2 weeks, beginning when I went down to Gainesville, followed by when I had to stay in a hotel, really stalled my weight loss.

That being said, the positives far outweigh the negatives here. For starters, I’m at my lowest weight yet since beginning this physique transformation. Also, I didn’t let those two “down” weeks stop me. I didn’t give up and revert back to my old ways. I simply moved on. I refocused my energy and got back at it.

Now I’m losing weight steadily again. I’m ahead of where I need to be at this point. And I ran 5k yesterday in just over 30 minutes! Now that I’m in the two-teens I have my sights set squarely on the single digit 200s and right around the corner, Onederland! What is “Onederland”? I saw that on the Biggest Loser. It’s getting your weight back into the  “One” Hundreds. The home stretch for me. But still a lot of work to do before that.

Woke up too late to make the Palace Saloon 5K this a.m. so I’m sitting in the parking lot at the gym blogging this before I go workout. Make it a productive day people!


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