
Holding steady at 223.8 this morning. I guess I should be happy about that. I didn’t eat very well yesterday. Had peanut butter and jelly toast with orange juice for breakfast. Had some peanut butter crackers with a Coke for a mid morning snack. A turkey sub from Publix with a bag of Doritos for lunch. And had some stir fry from a restaurant called 1 fresh stir fry for dinner last night. I was all over the map. Lost track of my calories along the way although I’m certain I well exceeded my daily max.

Guess I gave into my cravings yesterday. Not sure why it was so hard to fight them yesterday more than any other day. I know my body was dragging. I was really tired all day. Guess all the working out and not getting enough sleep finally caught up to me. But that’s no excuse. I have to remain vigilant to see this thing through by August 30th.

Last night I was exhausted. I really didn’t want to go to the gym. I was falling asleep sitting up at eight o’clock. But even still I forced myself to change clothes to prepare for my workout. But before I left, my wife Rachel (who’s been a huge motivator of my transformation) asked me to skip the gym. She wasn’t feeling well and just wanted me to stay home with her and the kids. I mean, I really have been hitting the gym every night for several nights in a row. One night off wouldn’t kill me right? My body was telling me that I needed rest anyway, so….

I said “eff you fat” and went up to YouFit anyway. I had eaten so poorly yesterday, that of all days I just couldn’t skip my workout last night.

Knocked out a solid hour on the elliptical. Pushed up the intensity. Crushed over 400 calories. And put a halt to any weight gain I should have had this morning due to my poor choices yesterday.

Got to bed by 11 last night and feel well rested this morning with a new focus. Official weigh in is tomorrow.


  1. Try not to weigh every day, twice a week is plenty. When I first started my weight loss program, I found myself weighing myself every day, sometimes twice a day. I would get so disappointed if I did not see any weight loss, it got to the point that I was getting discouraged. Then my wife hid the scales and only let me weigh myseld on Monday and Friday. Worked out great.

  2. @fatguy2triguy – I was weighing myself once a week on my “official weigh-in” day of Saturday, but what I found is that if I wasn’t weighing daily and posting it, that I would have cheat days and try to make up for it the following day. By weighing daily, it holds me accountable every day to make good choices. I don’t mind indulging every once in a while, and I no longer beat myself up when I do, but the daily weigh-ins keep the “cheating” to a minimum and keeps me focused. So for now, I will continue the daily weigh ins…

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