228.6 – 10 lbs down!


So Challenge Week – Dinner #2 was another success. As stated, we went to a  chicken wing restaurant. and as soon as we got there Rach ordered two appetizers – smoked fish dip with tortilla chips and fried pickles. I was starving and the apps looked really good, but I held my own -having only a couple of each. For my meal I got grilled Caribbean chicken with a small side of broccoli and a small side garden salad with low calorie dressing – water to drink of course. The chicken had a hot-terriyaki glaze and was very good. The salad had shredded cheese in it which wasn’t what I needed but ate anyway.

After dinner, Rachel and I decided not to go to a movie. Instead we went to Kohl’s to find Rachel some clothes for her new, upcoming job.

I was uneasy about my calorie intake from dinner so at 10:15 at night I changed clothes and headed up to the gym. The old Andy never would have done that. I was tired. Yawning. I had been awake since 5 that morning and had to get back up at 5 the next morning for work. But I pushed myself to go and am glad I did.

lil gator

So my first Strong Gator challenge had been met – to get under 230 pounds! This puts me ahead of the 230.6  lbs that I need to be at on Saturday in order to remain on target to guy my goal weight on August 30th.

Very excited.

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