
Wow! Down another couple pounds. Even after dinner last night I was still getting kind of hungry, so instead of giving in to my hunger, I went to the gym.

I got there just after 9pm. There were quite a few people there; a lot more than when I go on the weekends. But by 9:30 that place was like a ghost town – maybe just four of us left. 

Before getting on the elliptical, my Pandora app wouldn’t work. Guess the signal was too weak in the back of the gym. “Just great,” I thought. Music pumps me up. Pushes me harder. Fortunately I had the Paul’s Boutique album by the Beastie Boys on my phone and that definitely did the trick. I killed it. Was dripping sweat. Great cardio workout.

I was hoping to hit Saturday’s target weight this morning but as you can see I surpassed it. Very happy about that.  Hoping I can keep up this momentum. Gonna be a long summer. Bring it on!

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